You build buildings,
we build brands.


kant a proposal CBRE Global Investors Germany GmbH

rix a project of Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH

sunter mall a project of PT. Panen Lestari Internusa

east side mall a project of Forum Invest Sàrl Luxemburg

allrooms a project of Oliver Kuhlmey

unit 3, one of xix

specialized in brand strategy and a holistic brand experiences in the real estate market. Years of experience helps us to organize complex projects efficiently and agilely. Let’s create something valuable!

b-vision a project of Messe Berlin

bob a project of Messe Berlin

budapester salon a project of xix and Budapester Salon GmbH & Co. KG

central suites a proposal for Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH

We have created brands covering a total

1.25 Mio qm

 of constructed area.


glasower garden quartier a proposal for Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH

jbw a project of Jonathan B. Walter




leo urban living a project of Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH

m5 a project of Kondor Wessels Holding GmbH

mosys a project of Kondor Wessels Holding GmbH

station 150


We have already worked for. (selection)

Forum Invest Sárl., PT Panen Lestari Internusa, ARB Investement Partners GmbH, Messe Berlin GmbH, Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH
space for you

staytion a project of Kondor Wessels Bou GmbH

What can you expect: 
Naming, Branding, Corporate Design, Communication on all Channels, Architecture & Interior Photography, Drone Video Indoor & Outdoor, Marketing &  Sales Tools, Signages, Design Objects for Lobbys & Showrooms

up berlin a project of Messe Berlin

werx a proposal for CBRE Global Investors German GmbH

VierEins Quartier a project of Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH

Kranich a project of Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH

H10 a project of Marco O Thiele

ackerschmiede a project of Marco O Thiele

DScope of work


Retail Spaces
Brand Experiences 
Trade Fairs
Interactive Exhibits

Culture & Relations

Private Residences 
Residential Buildings 
Office Properties 
Commercial Estates

Would you like to
learn more?
Please feel free
to contact us.

xix creative departments 
unit 3 real estate branding

Berlin, Germany

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