kant a proposal CBRE Global Investors Germany GmbH
rix a project of Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH
sunter mall a project of PT. Panen Lestari Internusa
east side mall a project of Forum Invest SÃ rl Luxemburg
allrooms a project of Oliver Kuhlmey
b-vision a project of Messe Berlin
bob a project of Messe Berlin
budapester salon a project of xix and Budapester Salon GmbH & Co. KG
central suites a proposal for Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH
1.25 Mio qm
glasower garden quartier a proposal for Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH
jbw a project of Jonathan B. Walter
leo urban living a project of Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH
m5 a project of Kondor Wessels Holding GmbH
mosys a project of Kondor Wessels Holding GmbH
station 150
staytion a project of Kondor Wessels Bou GmbH
up berlin a project of Messe Berlin
werx a proposal for CBRE Global Investors German GmbH
VierEins Quartier a project of Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH
Kranich a project of Kondor Wessels Bouw GmbH
H10 a project of Marco O Thiele
ackerschmiede a project of Marco O Thiele
DScope of work
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xix creative departments
unit 3 real estate branding
Berlin, Germany